Sunday, January 17, 2016

How to Withdraw money from Perfect Money in Pakistan?

Withdraw Money From Perfect Money To Any Bank Account in Pakistan Without Wire Transfer:-

People from all over the world are making living from the internet.
Many of the families are feeding their children from earning money online and working as a freelancer online but people of Pakistan stay away from online earning due to the fact that PayPal is still missing from Pakistan and we don't know exactly if they will ever come to Pakistan or not. Or if the government will try to make their banking rules better so PayPal can come an millions of starving families of Pakistan can get their online earned money via PayPal but for now for those of you
Who are working online and are earning money online and are getting paid by different payment methods like if someone is getting paid via Perfect money and have money in his account perfect money account then he/she would face difficulty withdrawing that money to their bank account in Pakistan but i will teach you a simple method that will help you to withdraw money to your money from Perfect money to you bank account directly without high risk and element of high fees.
Many shady exchangers in Pakistan also offer perfect money exchanges but i hate them because of high fees and the fact that they try to hide themselves and insist on releasing the money first.
So here is the complete guide to withdraw money from perfect money to any bank account in Pakistan.
  1. First you need to create account on these two sites Localbitcoins and alfacashier.
  2. After joining these both sites visit the second site alfacashier and login to your account.
  3. Click on exchange.After this you will see a screen like in the image below.
  4. Hover over the perfect money in "You Give" and "Bitcoin BTC" and then click on exchange.
  5. On next page fill out details and for Bitcoin address you will need to visit LocalBitcoins.
  6. Signin to Localbitcoins account and then on the top right of the screen you will see bunch of figures like 0.000000 next to your username and dashboard. Click on it and it will redirect to your bitcoins wallet. 
  7. Copy address that is given in receive bitcoins side. like this 16RHKk5HqFJT8wjnsGfsBfeGhWtUB3NH84.
  8. Now again visit alfa cashier and enter your bitcoin address.
  9. And then click submit. Be careful and check your details twice to avoid any kind of mistakes and then on next page. Pay the desired amount that you wanna withdraw and then pay.
  10. After two hours after successful payment you will receive Bitcoins in your Localbitcoins wallet after confirmations and will see BTC in balance.
  11. Now click on sell bitcoins and choose country as Pakistan. Choose a good buyer and sell bitcoins to him. Note that on localbitcoins there are different buyer with limits like minimum and maximum etc so be sure that the buyer is willing to send you money via bank account or omni/Easy paisa or even in cash but i won't recommend that as its risky to meet in person a total stranger.
  12. If you don't know the current bitcoin prices then look to the right of my website and you can see the latest prices. But people will not pay you full prices. So choose the buyer wisely and if you cannot find anyone or have hard time selling then contact me via comments and i will help you out.
  13. After sending request and you bank details wait but don't release bitcoins. After you get money in your bank account or have a omni SMS etc then only release bitcoins after confirmation.
Again this method involves brain and if you are a newbie then be sure to ask me and i can also help you out on Skype so be sure to ask me in comments for help if you can't understand anything above or any point from above.


  1. pm/btc available for sell in karachi face 2 face deal

    1. Use exchangers directly. No need to meet face to face.

